Good Citizen Dog Scheme Gold Award
The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Gold Award is the highest level of achievement of the Scheme. It builds upon theskills learnt in the Silver Award and develops more advance training skills of the dog and handler. The Gold Award is a naturalprogression of practical dog training skills and introduces new concepts such as relaxed isolation, stop the dog and send thedog to bed exercises, which are important in every day life situations. The Gold Award aims to provide handlers with a greaterknowledge and understanding of their canine companion. Dogs that are awarded a Gold Certificate should reach the requiredstandards in all exercises and be a worthy representative of the Scheme’s highest standard. Where possible it is preferable thatcertain exercises are tested at indoor and outdoor locations.
The following people have passed the Gold Test at this club
Ivy Gilmour Macey
Shirley Ridgard Chloe
Dot Tivey Ben
Josie Frisby Kes
Norma Mann Lucy
Alan Simpson Zig
Susan Green Maddie
Angie Shaw Chloe
Jackie Ellis Molly
Liz Brears Ellie
Pat Barnes Penny
Christine Jaworski Ben
Shirley Ridgard Abbie
Norma Mann Sophie
Susan Green Kallie
Susan Green Tia
Aileen Holdsworth Zac
Mark Kalra Dexter
Jackie Ellis Spike
Jean Shaw Emma
Bev Smith Lani
Denise Beardsley Fern
Alan Simpson Jaz
Denise Beardsley Marnie
Liz Whitmore Sky
Lynda White Drift
Dot Tivey Max
Paul Ellis Maisie
Alex Hiller Sherry
Michael Holland Ozzy
Liz Brears Ginny
Liz Holden Jazz |